
What does Labial Majora Reduction Surgery involve

Mr Aurora Clinics Founder of Aurora clinics discusses in detail what is involved in the Labial Majora Reduction Surgeries, and who might be suitable for the procedure. For more information or should you wish to book a consultation with our specialist plastic surgeons, please call us on 01844 214362.

Areola Abnormalities

Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder describes the 3 types of Nipple Aureola Abnormalities and what treatments are suitable for each type of abnormality. Nipple Aureolas can be too large, asymmetric or puffy and can be addressed with minor surgical procedures. For more information or should you wish to book a free consultation with our specialist plastic surgeons, please […]

Different Grades of Inverted Nipples – Before and After Pictures

This video explains different grades of Inverted Nipples and illustrates before and just after surgery pictures on each grade. The surgeries were performed by Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder at the Aurora Clinic in the UK. For more information or should you wish to book a free consultation with our specialist plastic surgeons, please call us on […]

Inverted Nipple Correction

Inverted Nipple – Aurora Clinics Founder, Leading Plastic Surgeon of Aurora clinics goes through each step of the Inverted Nipple Correction minor surgical procedure and before and after photos following surgery for inverted nipples. For more information or should you wish to book a FREE Consultation with our specialist plastic surgeon, please call us on 01844 214362.

Inverted Nipple Correction Operation

Inverted Nipple – Here in this video Aurora Clinics Founder, Leading Plastic Surgeon of Aurora clinics shows a procedure of Inverted Nipple Correction. Inverted nipples are common and nipple inversion surgery is usually performed under local anaesthetic.  For more information or should you wish to book a free consultation with our specialist plastic surgeon, please call […]