
Tuberous Breasts Correction and Breast Enlargement

Breast Enlargement or Augmentation surgical procedure with Tuberous or Tubular Breasts Correction performed by Aurora Clinics Founder at Aurora-clinics in Buckinghamshire and displayed in this video. For more information or should you wish to book a consultation with our specialist plastic surgeons, please call us on 01844 214362.

Breast Uplift and Breast Implant

This video demonstrates the combination of Breast Enlargement with Breast Implant and Breast Uplift (Mastopexy) surgical procedures, performed by plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder at Aurora clinic in Buckinghamshire. For more information or should you wish to book a Consultation with our specialist plastic surgeon, please call us on 01844 214362.

Breast Uplift and Breast Implant Surgical Procedures

Breast Uplift or Mastopexy and Breast Enlargement (a.k.a Breast Augmentation) Surgical Procedures, performed by Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder, British Plastic Surgeon at Aurora clinic in the UK. For more information or should you wish to book a consultation with our specialist plastic surgeons, please call us on 01844 214362.

Carly following Breast Enlargement Surgery

Carly has had a Breast Enlargement and Augmentation surgical procedure 6 weeks ago. In this video she discusses her reasons for choosing Aurora clinics.  She describes the procedure, her recovery and how she feels about her breast enlargement. For more information or should you wish to book a free consultation with our specialist plastic surgeons, please call […]

Breast Enlargement Surgery – Rachel’s Patient Testimonial

Breast Enlargement Surgery – Rachel’s Patient Testimonial. In this video Rachel explains why she had breast enlargement surgery, her experience, results and also her reasons for choosing Aurora Clinics Founder at Aurora Clinics. For more information please contact one of our patient advisors on 01844 214362.

Removal of Breast Implants and Mastopexy

Aurora Clinics Founder of Aurora clinics presents the live surgical procedure of Breast Implant Removal and Breast Uplift or  Mastopexy. For more information on this type of surgery and many other procedures carried out at Aurora Clinics please contact one of our fully qualified Patient Co-ordinators on 01844 214362

Treatment of Ruptured Implants

Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder discusses the problem of ruptured implants, what the symptoms or signs of a ruptured implant are, and what the treatment involves. Often the patient ops for Breast Implant Exchange with the latest 4th generation silicone gel Implants and Aurora Clinics Founder explains what are their advantages and also the differences between […]