
Correcting Tuberous Breasts with Implants

Aurora Clinics Founder performs a breast enlargement live surgery procedure in order to correct tuberous breasts. For more information on Breast Augmentation surgery please visit our treatment pages on Tuberous Breasts or you can contact one of our patient advisors on 01844 214362.

Breast Implants Removal – The Double Bubble Effect

Aurora Clinics Founder, a well known Plastic Surgeon at Aurora Clinics discusses the double bubble effect created by incorrect placing of the silicone Implants. He describes how this is associated with sub-muscular implants in which the muscle holds the implant in a high position.  The double bubble effect occurs when the breast descends below the […]

Eyelid Surgery – Lower Blepharoplasty -Who is suitable for treatment and the best procedure for you

Aurora Clinics Founder, Leading Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon at Aurora Clinics provides valuable information on having Low Eyelid Surgery and who is suitable for treatment. For more information please contact one of the Aurora Patient Advisors on 01844 214362.

Eyelid Surgery (Lower Blepharoplasty) Recovery Period & Possible Complications

Aurora Clinics Founder, Leading Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon at Aurora Clinics provides valuable information on having Low Eyelid Surgery and how long it will take to recover, along-with the possible implications involved with this surgery. For more information, please contact one of our fully qualified Patient Advisors on 01844 214362.

Eyelid Surgery – Possible Complications

Tristan McMullen is a specialist eye surgeon at Aurora Clinics in Northamptonshire. In this video he explains the possible complications you could encounter following eyelid surgery and how to avoid them. For more information please visit the Eyelid Surgery information page, or ring us on 01844 214362.