
Options for Treating Capsules around Breast Implants

Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder, the clinical Director of Aurora clinics, talks about development of capsules around breast silicone  implants, which occurs in 5%of the patients and how it can be treated. For more information including cost, risks, downtime, post operative care and related videos please go to Breast Capsulectomy.

Breast Implant Capsule – Treatment of Capsulectomy

Breast Enlargement: Capsule formation following breast enlargement procedures treated with replacement of the breast implants behind the capsule to soften the outline of the breast implant. Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder,  breast surgeon specialist, takes you through the surgical procedure of  Breast Implants Exchange step by step.

Breast Implant Surgery – Capsulectomy

Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder shows a video of an operation in which he removes a breast implant and its’ surrounding capsule.  The breast had become firm as the capsule contracted around the implant. He shows the removed capsule and the insertion of the new silicone implant. If you are concerned about Capsulectomy or you wish to seek […]

Unequal Breasts Treated by Breast Implant & Uplift

Asymmetry of the breasts is very common and affects many women.  Aurora Clinics Founder shows how this can be treated with a combination of Breast Enlargement (Augmentation) with silicone implants and different types of Breast Uplift (Mastopexy) procedures.

Breast Uplift – Mastopexy and Breast Enlargement for Breast Asymmetry

Mr. Richards  shows a Breast Enlargement and Augmentation procedure combined with a Breast Uplift operation or Mastopexy  procedure performed to correct Breast Asymmetry.  He explains why a different type of breast uplift is used on each side. For more information and to find out about costs please call one of our patient advisors on 01844 […]

Breast Implants & Mastopexy for Breast Asymmetry

Differences between the sizes of each persons breast is very common. Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder of Aurora clinics explains and demonstrates how Breast Asymmetry can be treated with Breast Enlargement with silicone implants and a Breast Uplift also known as Mastopexy.

Treatment Options for Breast Asymmetry

Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder, the surgical Director of Aurora clinics explains the treatment options for different types of Breast Asymmetry and what is involved in the procedure; whether the smaller breast will be enlarged,or the bigger breast will be reduced, other types of procedures bight be combined to give a full symmetry to both breasts.