
Aurora Clinics February Newsletter

Newsletter in Brief: We’re delighted to announce our new website Surgery Abroad – worth the risk? Join us on Facebook and you could win a Great Prize! Special Skin Improvement Offer Extended! New Aurora Website We’re delighted to announce our new website which has been many months in the planning. Since launching our original website […]

Categories:  general-news

What your man REALLY wants you to look like this Valentine’s!

It’’s fast approaching Valentine’s Day; the allocated day of the year for unashamed partner-baiting/celebrating your relationship with cards, romantic meals and making yourself look drop-dead gorgeous to confirm how lucky your man is to have you. But with UK women increasingly choosing breasts, neck and face-lift surgeries above all others (except Botox and Fillers) in […]

Breast Implant Exchange – What is involved

Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder, the Surgical Director of Aurora clinics, describes the various reasons of Exchanging your Breast Implants, what is involved in the process, and which type of implants is usually used to exchange old ones. For more information, please call one of our specialist patient advisors on 01844 214362, or go to Breast […]