
Are most Plastic Surgery patients vain?

It is a misconception that most patients considering Plastic Surgery are excessive or vain. Most Plastic Surgery patients have real problems and so have genuine concerns which they would like treated. Once this area is addressed they often experience improved self-confidence and feel better in themselves. Issues patients typically come to discuss include: Breast Asymmetry. Many women in their early twenties […]

Categories:  general-news

What are breast capsules and how are they best treated?

All foreign materials in our body become surrounded by a thin layer of tissue. This is the body’s way of fending off material that it does not recognize.This occurs around hip replacements, heart valves and any implant or device.  With breast implants, in the majority of patients, this lining (which is called a capsule) remains soft and […]

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Which organisations should your Plastic Surgeon be a member of?

There are a number of organisations which Plastic Surgeons and Cosmetic Doctors can be affiliated to. As a basis, all doctors & plastic surgeons should be registered by the General Medical Council (GMC). This organisation is mandatory to belong to for all registered doctors and you can check their registration at For plastic surgeons, […]

Praise for Aurora Clinics Cosmetic Surgery videos

Thousands of people around the globe are watching the surgical and informational videos that are being produced by Aurora Clinics Founder of Aurora Clinics, based in the United Kingdom. Some of the viewers are so impressed with the professionalism of these videos, they come to Aurora Clinics to seek further advice and offer their praise….. […]

Categories:  general-news