
Is there any evidence one Facelift technique is better than others?

It is very difficult to assess whether one Facelift technique is better than another because each face is different and each surgeon has a different technique. There have been, however, long-term studies in identical twins who have had different techniques and these have not shown a significant benefit of one technique over another. There have […]

Categories:  Facelift Surgery

What is the ideal shape of a tummy button?

There has been much debate about the ideal tummy button shape and size in plastic surgical circles. Aurora Clinics Founder shares his thoughts… It is generally accepted that a youthful tummy button is slightly oval vertically in shape and small, with a gentle deep down slope to it rather like a valley. Often following pregnancy or […]

Categories:  tummy-tuck

5 top tips to consider if you are thinking of surgery abroad

If you are thinking of surgery abroad we would advise you to go through the following 5-point checklist with your surgeon and clinic. 1. Check on the experience of the surgeon. In the UK, surgeons are regulated by the General Medical Council (GMC) and have to have a specialist registration in plastic surgery. This is […]

Categories:  Body

How have Tummy Tuck scars changed over time?

Tummy tuck scars in the lower part of the abdomen have changed considerably over the years as underwear fashion has altered. Generally, the area in the centre has remained similar and the incision will be below a natural skin crease or a scar such as from a Caesarian or Hysterectomy. The scar will be removed […]

Categories:  tummy-tuck

What are the differences between the thicknesses of hyaluronic dermal fillers?

All the major companies which produce dermal fillers produce a range of products of varying thicknesses. Generally, the thicker substances are used for deeper, more established lines where as the lighter dermal fillers are used for finer, more superficial lines on the face. The thicker dermal fillers are firmer and offer more support to these […]

Categories:  Dermal Fillers

What are the dangers of going abroad for Cosmetic Surgery?

In recent years, there has been a tendency for many people to go abroad for cosmetic surgery. This is mainly finance driven, as surgery can be significantly cheaper in foreign countries. Aurora Clinics Founder explains why this can sometimes be a false economy… In most cases, the surgery goes very well as it’s normally performed […]

Categories:  Body

Dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers Q-med fillers such as Juvederm come in various different thicknesses and have become popular in the UK, alongside many other filler brands. There are a number of dermal fillers, all based on hyaluronic acid, such as Teosyl which are very popular and effective at treating facial lines at creases in the lower […]

Categories:  Dermal Fillers

Free nipple grafts – what are they?

Free nipple grafts are a slightly old-fashioned breast reduction technique in which the nipple is completely removed from the breast and replaced as a skin graft. Free nipple grafts were used some years ago because they were believed to be a safer technique in performing very large breast reductions of 1 kilogram and over per […]

Categories:  Breast Reduction