
Why does skin not recoil naturally following significant weight loss?

Following significant weight loss, the skin does not naturally recoil to its appearance prior to surgery. This is because the skin has been stretched beyond its natural ability to recoil. The small collagen fibres within the skin form a structure to help support it. If these small fibres are stretched this results in the breaking […]

Categories:  Body Lift Surgery

Is Liposuction an option for Breast Reduction?

Many people who are considering a reduction in the size of their breasts are very worried about the scars that can occur following traditional breast reduction techniques. If you are worried about the scarring from traditional breast reduction, liposuction may be an option for you. The advantages of liposuction are: Minimal scarring. Quick recovery. With […]

Categories:  Breast Reduction

IHAS register in the UK – will it help reduce bad practice?

  As you may know, the UK government has recently launched a regulation authority for Botox and non-surgical treatments called IHAS. This is supported by a website. This scheme is supported by the government and is a voluntary scheme in which clinics can register with the IHAS organisation and are then regularly assessed and audited. […]

Categories:  general-news

Can you have a Breast Enlargement and Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery at the same time?

Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information, before and after photos and costs on Inverted Nipple procedures click here Can you have a Breast Enlargement and Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery at the same time? […]

Categories:  inverted-nipples

Counterfeit Botox: is it being used in the United Kingdom?

There have recently been a number of reports of the use of counterfeit Botox in the United Kingdom. The advantage of this Botox to some is that it is cheaper than the Botox produced by the normal manufacturing companies. However, this Botox is incredibly dangerous as discussed further in our video blog posts. Until recently, […]

Categories:  Botox

How long is the recovery following Rhinoplasty surgery?

We recently received an enquiry from a policeman who was considering a rhinoplasty operation. He could be off work for 3 weeks but was concerned that his nose would still be fragile and susceptible to further damage at work after this period. In our reply, we explained that the nose would look essentially normal at […]

Categories:  rhinoplasty