
What is the most effective treatment for Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)

Gynecomastia or excess tissue in the male breast area is extremely common, and does not necessarily depend on your overall body weight. Some people with normal weight can deposit tissue in their chest area, whereas other people of much higher weight do not deposit tissue in this area. The options between treatments lie between Liposuction […]

Categories:  male-breast-reduction

How does VASER Liposuction work?

VASER Liposuction is the most modern type of Liposuction available. It essentially uses ultrasound energy to disperse the fatty tissue prior to being removed by Liposuction. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic with you awake. The ultrasound energy is delivered by a cannula that is used to disrupt fatty cells in the area. The […]

Categories:  vaser-lipo-suction

Why is VASER Liposuction better than traditional Liposuction?

There are various different approaches to Liposuction used by Surgeons, but VASER has some major advantages over the traditional technique. In VASER Liposuction, ultrasound energy is used to disperse the fatty tissue in the affected area. The ultrasound energy causes the fatty acids to dissolve and release the contained fatty tissue. This emulsified fatty tissue is […]

How does fat distribution vary between men and women?

You’ve probably noticed men and women are pretty different when it comes to fat distribution. Men and women do tend to store fat in very different areas. Women usually hold fat around their middle portion, namely the hips and thighs. Men, on the other hand, tend to hold their fat within their tummy cavity and often develop ‘beer […]

Categories:  vaser-lipo-suction

Reactions after injections into the arm are rare but can occur

In some cases, you can see the outline of the veins on the arm after injections. We recently saw one such case in a lady who had a small injection of morphine for pain relief during an operation. Although it can look alarming, it generally disappears 24-48 hours following surgery and does not cause any […]

Categories:  faqs

What is the difference between different Liposuction techniques?

The main types of Liposuction available currently are VASER Liposuction, Smart Lipo, power assisted Liposuction, and water assisted Liposuction. In each of these techniques the fatty tissue is removed by suction through hollow tubes (cannulas). The difference is in how the fatty tissue is treated prior to it being sucked out. In VASER Liposuction an ultrasound […]

Categories:  liposuction

Is Liposuction the solution for me?

Could Liposuction be the right treatment for you? Well, the answer really depends on your specific case. Let’s start by saying this – Liposuction is not the cure for excess weight. Generally if you are overweight, particularly if your body mass index is over 30, Liposuction is not the treatment for you. You need to address your […]

Categories:  liposuction

Why do some scars look dotty?

Today we saw a lady with a scar on her abdomen. She’d had a mole removed ten years previously and stitched up by her general practitioner. The scar had faded well and was now a very light silvery colour, but unfortunately she’d been left with small dots on either side of the incision. These dots […]

Categories:  general-news

What will the scarring look like after Liposuction?

Scarring for Liposuction is usually very minimal and we tend to advise people that it will usually fade to a very small pale scar. Generally for each area that has Liposuction two small incisions will be required. In some cases three will be needed. This is because to achieve a flat result it is best […]

Categories:  liposuction