
How important is the anaesthetist in cosmetic surgical procedures?

An often unsung hero, Aurora Clinics Founder shares his thoughts on how important the anaesthetist is… To get the best outcome from any operation, both the anaesthetist and scrub team need to be very experienced and as good at their jobs as the surgeon themselves. I only use 2 or 3 anaesthetists who I have […]

Categories:  general-news

Can you have a breast enlargement after Macrolane?

Can you have a breast enlargement after Macrolane? Aurora Clinics Founder shares his thoughts… The answer to this is yes. I’m seeing an increasing amount of patients who have had Macrolane treatment in the last couple of years. Most patients who have had Macrolane decide to have a formal breast enlargement with silicone implants. This […]

Should you apply sunblock every day?

Should you apply sunblock every day? Aurora Clinics Founder shares his thoughts… The answer to this is yes! Even in cold, wet countries, such as the United Kingdom, you are getting daily damage to your skin from ultraviolet light. The recommendation is therefore that you apply sunblock which is often included in a moisturiser every […]

Categories:  general-news

Is female genital surgery really plastic surgery?

Is female genital surgery really plastic surgery? Aurora’s Aurora Clinics Founder shares his thoughts… Until today I might have said no. I met Erik Scholten in my clinic in Milton Keynes. Erik works in the room next to me on Fridays and we got talking about his specialty which is female genital surgery. Previously, I […]

Categories:  vaginal-surgery

5 things to consider once you have decided to go ahead with surgery

Once you have decided you would like to go ahead with surgery there are 5 important factors we would recommend that you discuss with your surgeon and make sure that you have clear prior to surgery. 1. How long will you be in hospital? Many operations now are being performed as day cases or with […]

Categories:  general-news

Five questions to ask your plastic surgeon

Prior to your consultation with your plastic surgeon it is important to do your research. Here are five questions we would recommend that you ask them at the consultation. 1. Do you specialise in this form of treatment? Most plastic surgeons are covering a wide spectrum of conditions such as hand surgery, breast reconstruction surgery after […]

Categories:  general-news

Five things to expect your surgeon to discuss or show you at your consultation

It is very important that you feel comfortable with your surgeon at your consultation, and that they discuss clearly with you the nature of the operation, likely result, recovery period and possible complications following surgery. The following five aspects should be fully covered during your consultation: 1. The surgeon should listen carefully to you to […]

Categories:  faqs

Breast implants – do they need replacing?

This is one of the common questions we’re asked in clinic and our answer is generally unless there is a problem with the breast implant they do not need replacing. With the latest fourth generation of breast implants, the manufacturers recommend that they are guaranteed for at least 15 years against rupture. However, the technology […]