
Breast Implants – in front of the muscle

Thinking about Breast Enlargement surgery? Below, Aurora Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder talks about a recent operation where he positioned the implants in front of the muscle. Hello, my name’’s Aurora Clinics Founder. I’’m a Plastic Surgeon and the Surgical Director of Aurora Clinics. Today I’’m going to be talking to you about the different stages in a sub-glandular breast […]

What to bring to your sizing appointment

Hi, I’’m Aggie Oakley. I tend to do a lot of the breast sizings for Aurora Clinics Founder and the other consultants working in the practice, and I’d like to talk to you about breast sizing appointments. When I actually do a breast sizing, I ask patients to bring lots of different tops along with them, […]

Aurora Clinics Founder talks about a recent Body Lift Operation

Thinking about Body Lift surgery? Below is a guest post on the procedure, written by Aurora Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder. Hello, my name’’s Aurora Clinics Founder. I’’m a Plastic Surgeon and the Surgical Director of Aurora Clinics. Today I’’m going to be talking you through an operation I recently did on a very nice lady who’ had […]

Categories:  Body Lift Surgery

Alison talks about her Tummy Tuck Procedure

Considering Tummy Tuck? Read Alison’s account of her surgery below. I had the operation after losing four and a half stone in weight but also, I had twins some 14 years before and I had very loose hanging skin. So having lost weight, decided to get rid of that excess skin because obviously it was quite […]

Categories:  tummy-tuck

Aneka discusses her Breast Enlargement Procedure with Aurora Clinics Founder

Thinking about Breast Enlargement surgery? Below is an interview between a patient, Aneka, and Aurora Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder, where she talks about her experience of surgery. Hi Aneka, you had breast augmentation surgery six weeks ago. Can you tell us how you felt coming in, having the consultation, how the whole process went, making an appointment etc?  […]

SMAS Facelift – what is it and who is suitable?

Thinking about SMAS Facelift surgery? Below is a guest post on the procedure, written by Aurora Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder. Hello, my name’’s Aurora Clinics Founder. I’’m a Plastic Surgeon and the Surgical Director of Aurora Clinics. Today I’’m going to be talking a little bit about SMAS and try and clarify what it means. SMAS […]

Categories:  Facelift Surgery

When surgery goes wrong

We can’t stress enough how important it is do your research if you’re considering surgery abroad. The problems can be severe, and your redress limited. We wanted to share some photographs to illustrate the point. The pictures below show the scars of a 46 year-old lady who underwent a facelift procedure in Turkey three months […]

Categories:  general-news

Aurora Clinics Founder explains how a SMAS Facelift can be modified to suit you

Thinking about SMAS Facelift surgery? Below is a guest post on the procedure, written by Aurora Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder. Hello, my name’’s Aurora Clinics Founder. I’’m a Plastic Surgeon and the Surgical Director of Aurora Clinics. Today I’’m going to be talking about the SMAS Facelift. The SMAS is the superficial musculoaponeurotic system in the face. It’s […]

Categories:  Facelift Surgery

Aurora Clinics Founder explains what a Neck Lift is

Thinking about Neck Lift surgery? Below is a guest post on the procedure, written by Aurora Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder. Hello, my name’’s Aurora Clinics Founder. I’’m a Plastic Surgeon and the Surgical Director of Aurora Clinics. Many people find it very difficult to tell the difference between short scar, long scar, traditional facelifts, neck lifts, SMAS […]

Categories:  Facelift Surgery

Aurora Clinics Founder explains what a MACS Facelift is

Thinking about Facelift surgery? Below is a guest post on a particular type, the MACS Facelift, written by Aurora Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder. Hello, my name’’s Aurora Clinics Founder. I’’m a Plastic Surgeon and the Surgical Director of Aurora Clinics. Today I’’m going to be talking about a new type of facelift called a MACS Facelift.  I’’m […]

Categories:  Facelift Surgery