
Dita von Teese – another star who won’t rule Plastic Surgery out

Dita von Teese, famed American cabaret performer, has joined the list of celebrities who deny that they have had any surgical treatments performed, yet admit that they would consider going under the knife to preserve their looks. The 40 year-old told how she feels more confident in her body but that if she saw changes […]

Categories:  general-news

PIP Replacement Surgery – Single Implant Ruptured

This patient received 350cc PIP implants in 2004, and came to Aurora Clinics for removal and replacement in 2012. We gave the patient Nagor 360cc implants in place of the removed PIPs. During the surgery, Aurora Clinics Founder finds one PIP implant to be ruptured with the silicone having slipped out of the outer casing. […]

Mother and daughter Cosmetic Surgery trend sweeps the US

Clinics in the US are reportedly seeing more and more mothers and daughters coming in for double appointments, as a day out for bonding or otherwise helping to support each other post-op. The trend could be in part down to more well-known mother and daughter cosmetic surgery fans such as Melissa and Joan Rivers. What […]

Categories:  general-news

Susan Sarandon speaks out over her Plastic Surgery

Hollywood royalty Susan Sarandon has revealed to a US magazine that she has had a little bit of work done to her face over the years. The 65 year-old actress, who still retains her good looks and is incredibly youthful-looking for her age, has admitted that she has had some liposuction performed on her neck […]

Categories:  general-news

Severe PIP Rupture

This patient received high-profile PIP implants in 2008, and came to Aurora Clinics for removal and replacement in 2012. During the surgery, Aurora Clinics Founder finds one PIP implant to be severely ruptured – almost to the point of being split in two – which had gone completely undetected. This is known as a “silent […]

Plastic Surgery more popular amongst German men

We recently reported on the rise of men seeking plastic surgery in Asia – it looks as if the trend has spread to Europe too as recent figures reveal that the number of men getting surgery has doubled in the last five years. During 2007 male patients accounted for 10% of surgeries, now however that […]

Categories:  general-news

Ruptured PIP implants removal and replacement

In this video we see a ruptured PIP removal and replacement operation. She had the PIP implants inserted in 2005. After taking out both PIP implants we discovered that the right one was severely ruptured, and the left one appeared to just have gel bleed at first look. After a closer inspection we discovered that […]