
Replacement of Ruptured Left PIP Implant that was Undetected by an MRI Scan

This patient received PIP implants at another clinic in 2005. The implants were not sitting in the correct position due to muscle contraction, which was pulling on the breasts and causing the nipples to rotate too far inwards. She came to Aurora Clinics to have her PIP implants replaced as a precaution, even though an […]

Would you recommend Bio-Oil for scarring?

Scarring Question: I just wanted to ask a question about Bio-Oil. I have some scarring on my hand from two finger operations about six months ago. Is it best to just use any moisture cream to massage the scar tissue or does Bio-Oil actually really work to change the colour and flatten the scars? Thanks […]

Categories:  Body

Aurora Clinics treats 16,000th patient – thank you!

Much celebration at Aurora Clinics Head Office this week, as we’ve just reached another fantastic milestone. Our team have just treated our 16,000th patient since the clinic began. We’re absolutely thrilled to have reached our next thousand, and the fact that this latest thousand were treated in just 3 months, between April and July this […]

Categories:  general-news

Breast Enlargement a family affair for mum and daughters from Nottinghamshire

A mother and four of her daughters from Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, have between them had £50,000 worth of breast enlargement surgery. The Marshall family, which includes mum Chantal and daughters Emma, Ripley, Terri and Tara, have come under fire for speaking on television about their surgery, and about how they like ‘the fake look’. […]

Cosmetic Surgery latest: the toe job to combat “toe-besity”

Just when you thought you’d heard it all, another cosmetic surgery procedure comes along and surprises you. With summer finally here (and the rain about to go away, we hope), it’s time to think about dusting off those flip flops and sandals. But if you’re unhappy with the appearance of your feet, you might be […]

Categories:  general-news

Replacement of False advertised PIP Implants

This patient came to Aurora Clinics because she believed she had been given PIP implants during an earlier breast enlargement at another clinic in 2001. In the light of the controversy surrounding PIP implants, she was concerned about the health implications of her implants. Having tried to contact her original clinic without success, she came […]

PIP Replacement with Implant Upsize and Nipple Uplift

In this video, we see a patient with PIP breast implants who has come to Aurora Clinics to have them replaced with larger non-PIP implants. The PIP replacement surgery is performed by Consultant Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder, and is combined with a nipple uplift, with the nipples being repositioned higher on the breasts. You […]

An inside look at the Nagor breast implants factory (VIDEO)

We have just uploaded our latest video to the website. The video gives you an inside look at the Nagor breast implants factory in Cumbernauld, Scotland. We went up to visit the factory with Sarah, Elaine and Victoria, three Aurora Clinics patients who came to us seeking removal and replacement of their PIP breast implants. In […]