
Intact PIP Implants Removal and Replacement Surgery

Watch a PIP implants removal and replacement surgery operation performed by renowned plastic surgeon Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder of Aurora Clinics in Buckinghamshire, UK, In this breast surgery video, Mr. Richards talks you through PIP implants removal and replacement surgery and shows you what an intact PIP implant looks like when removed from the breasts. […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

What does the Breast Surgery term ‘Double Bubble’ mean?

Question: Dear Aurora, please could you explain what is meant by the Plastic Surgery term Double Bubble? I had my breast surgery done with the Transform Group. When I had my consultation I was told that everything was fine and that having breast implants placed under the muscle would mean that there would be no excess […]

The Difference between Split Earlobes and Tribal or Stretched Earlobes

Split Earlobes and Tribal or Stretched earlobes are different in appearance, correction technique, and correction cost, but similar in stitching technique, recovery period, scarring and healing. Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder briefly describes the differences between the two, and provides information on surgical correction procedure of both Split  and Dilated Earlobe Repair here at Aurora clinics […]

PIP Implants Findings & Facts about Manufacturing Faults

Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information, before and after photos and costs on Implant Removal and Replacement procedures click here. The Private Clinic has clinics located in Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Glasgow, London Harley Street, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton. Examine the scientific […]

What are Split Earlobes and how are they corrected

Split earlobe repair is a surgical procedure performed under local anaesthetic by our specialist surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder of Aurora Clinics which leaves a minimal scar which will gradually fade. If the earlobe was split by a heavy earring or by being pulled after correction the earlobe can still be pierced as long as it’s […]

Aurora’s Patient review post Breast Reduction Surgery

2 weeks after her breast reduction surgery, Aurora’s patient gives an honest review of the surgery she had with Aurora clinics (in High Wycombe) at her followup appointment, her surgeon, the hospital facilities, and the expectations and results 2 weeks post op. Having a large bust can cause health problems such as back, shoulders and […]

What are Tribal Earlobes and how are they repaired

Tribal earlobe repair surgery explained, plus information on cost, repairing technique, recovery, scarring and before and after photos, by plastic surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder of Aurora clinics ( in Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, and London. Dilated earlobes can be corrected relatively quick and easy under local anaesthetic and is pain free during the recovery period. Plastic […]

Genuine Dermaroller™ Treatment: Explained by Aurora Expert Ruth Atkins

Spotlight on: Genuine Dermaroller Therapy™ by Aurora Clinics Expert Ruth Atkins (Registered General Nurse & Aesthetic Practitioner) Ruth recently joined the team at Aurora Clinics after developing her non-surgical career. She is an experienced Registered General Nurse certified in performing dermal fillers, wrinkle relaxing treatments and Genuine Dermaroller Therapy™.  Ruth enjoys making a positive difference in the lives […]