
PIP Implants – An Overview

In light of the recent PIP Breast Implants controversy, Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder of Aurora Clinics has recorded this overview of the latest PIP implant news, the situation to date and some advice if you have PIP breast implants. If you are considering having your implants removed, replaced or just want some advice please call […]

Can implants be removed and replaced in one surgery?

Question: I had breast enlargement surgery 10 years ago but my right breast has deflated. I sought the advice of a surgeon who told me that I need to have the implant removed so as the area can heal. He told me that a new one can only be fitted when this procedure has been […]

Categories:  Body
Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Breast implant discomfort: which surgeon should I see?

Question: Since having 330cc breast implants over a year ago, I have experienced mild discomfort in my left breast. I was told that this is something which should not cause me concern as everything was fine at my six week post-operative check up. However, during the past few weeks, the discomfort has become even more […]

PIP Implants: Keep Calm and Carry On (Cautiously)

If you woke yesterday to the breaking news that the PIP implants controversy had taken yet another turn, you would be forgiven for feeling somewhat confused. The debate over PIP (Poly Implant Prothese) Implant safety is not new. The Aurora Clinics Blog reported back in April on the issues surrounding PIP implant safety . In November, surgical Director […]

Can I have a consultation and Permalip lip enhancement surgery on the same day?

Question: I am very interested in having Permalip lip enhancement surgery for lip augmentation. However, I was wondering if it would be possible to come up for an initial consultation and have treatment performed on the same day?   Answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. It would be possible to see you and […]