
6 Fascinating Facts about Skin Tags

Suffering from Skin Tags? Read on… Chances are, you may not even realise what skin tags are: Skin tags are small growths (on average about the size of a grain of rice). Although the word “growth” is a bit scary, skin tags are completely benign and do not effect your health. They are usually brown or […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

If I have my implants removed, will my breasts sag?

Question: I have a question regarding previous breast augmentation surgery that I had years ago. I should point out that both silicone implants were positioned above the muscles and there were no complications following my surgery. I am thinking of maybe removing them or replacing them with smaller implants in a couple of years. Would this […]

Breast Implant Testimonial post Surgery

6 weeks post Breast Enlargement with Silicone Implants Surgery, Aurora’s patient describes her experience of having this life changing experience, what she thinks of the results, medical team, recovery post Breast Augmentation procedure and the reason she chose to have it done in the 1st place. The procedure was performed by plastic surgeon Aurora Clinics […]

How can I correct a depression in my chest?

Question: As a teenager I had a lump removed the left side of my chest. This left a deformity in the result of a concave dip running from behind my left nipple towards my armpit. I am now 38 years of age and was wondering if there is a procedure to improve this area? Answer: […]

Categories:  Body

Testimonial post Breast Implant Surgery at Aurora Clinics in Northampton

Our patient talks openly about going through a Breast Enlargement and Augmentation Surgery 6 weeks after, surgery performed by plastic surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder at Aurora Clinics in Northampton (The Three Shires). Our patient gives details about the recovery process after Breast Implant surgery, the result of the operation and her impression on the medical […]