Barbara – Tummy Tuck Surgery
After two pregnancies, Barbara was tired of carrying excess skin around her lower abdomen. She approached Aurora Clinics Founder and decided to go ahead with an abdominoplasty procedure to remove this excess skin. Read on to find out more about Barbara’s surgical journey with the team at Aurora Clinics.
Why did you decide to have a Tummy Tuck?
The short answer is I was simply tired of carrying around this excess skin on my lower abdomen and I was tired of looking like I was 3 months pregnant after eating a meal! Like most women who’ve had babies, I developed stretch marks and gained a healthy amount of weight during my pregnancy. However, I carried rather large babies nearly completely outside my body cavity. I’m 5″4, 126 lbs with a 26 inch waist that grew to 45 inches during my 9th month.
This rapid growth left me with a substantial diastasis recti, or separation of my abdominal muscles, sagging abdominal skin and a C-section scar after my sons were born. Despite a strong exercise routine and toned muscles underneath, I still carried an unpleasant abdominal bulge.
“I’d say it changed me by making me more comfortable in my own skin and more appreciative of my body.”
I knew surgery was the only way to repair my muscles and remove the excess skin. So after 17 years of waiting for the “perfect” opportunity and months of research, I finally decided to take the plunge and had an abdominoplasty with Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder. My only regret after having the procedure is not doing it sooner.
How has it changed your life?
The initial feeling is surreal. After so many years, the ability to run my hands across a flat abdomen and feel smooth skin against my muscles brought a smile to my lips. I find joy in getting dressed without thinking of how to camouflage my abdomen in an outfit or eating a meal without having to suck in my stomach thereafter. I’d say it changed me by making me more comfortable in my own skin and more appreciative of my body.

What would you say to someone in your shoes thinking about a tummy tuck?
I’d say do your research first, find out if this is the best option for you and if it is, choose an experienced, top rated plastic surgeon with a transparent, results-proven practice who meets your particular needs.
How would you sum up your surgical experience at Aurora Clinics?
If I had to use one word, it would be “Phenomenal!” From my initial visit with Mr. Richards and his staff to the actual surgery and postoperative care I received, they all met or exceeded my expectations. The bedside manner of this team was second to none and that was very important for me. Understanding the procedure and course of care were clearly explained.
Having endured two c-sections, I credit Mr. Richards’ skill and technique as I had very little to no pain, an incredible healing course and a thin line for a surgical scar well hidden in my bikini area. It’s safe to say I am incredibly pleased with my outcome and quite happy I chose Mr. Richards and Aurora Clinics for my surgical care.
More information on Tummy Tuck Surgery
All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Please bear in mind that results may vary from person to person. All testimonies are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients. Their comments have not been altered in any way, and their experiences are their own.