Breast Reduction 17520

  • Before-Breast Reduction
    After-Breast Reduction
    Before Breast Reduction After
  • Before-Breast Reduction
    After-Breast Reduction
    Before Breast Reduction After
  • Before-Breast Reduction
    After-Breast Reduction
    Before Breast Reduction After
  • Before-Breast Reduction
    After-Breast Reduction
    Before Breast Reduction After
  • Before-Breast Reduction
    After-Breast Reduction
    Before Breast Reduction After

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Breast Reduction - Vertical Scar

Time of photo

5 weeks following surgery

Client's gender


Client's age



Aurora Clinics Founder

Surgeon's comment

Fit and active 51 year old who suffered from back, neck and shoulder ache due to her large bust and underwent a breast reduction procedure under the care of Aurora Clinics Founder. At surgery standard a vertical and short transverse scar technique was used removing slightly more tissue from her larger left breast. Photos taken five weeks following surgery which show slightly reddened scars which are expected to this stage. The scars would be expected to fade over the subsequent months following surgery. The patient noticed a significant improvement in her back, neck and shoulder ache following surgery. She also found it easier to engage in sporting activities such as running and tennis following her breast reduction procedure.

All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Please bear in mind that results may vary from person to person. All testimonies are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients. Their comments have not been altered in any way, and their experiences are their own.