Breast Reduction 19025

  • Before-Breast Reduction
    After-Breast Reduction
    Before Breast Reduction After
  • Before-Breast Reduction
    After-Breast Reduction
    Before Breast Reduction After
  • Before-breast reduction
    After-breast reduction
    Before breast reduction After
  • Before-Breast Reduction
    After-Breast Reduction
    Before Breast Reduction After
  • Before-Breast Reduction
    After-Breast Reduction
    Before Breast Reduction After

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Breast Reduction

Time of photo

6 weeks following surgery

Client's gender


Client's age



Aurora Clinics Founder

Surgeon's comment

This patient came to Aurora Clinics to see plastic surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder about breast reduction surgery. She had a very large bust and wanted to have it reduced to a more suitable size for her. After a consultation the patient decided to go ahead with surgery and has come out with a great result. The after photos shown above were taken 6 weeks after her surgery.

All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Please bear in mind that results may vary from person to person. All testimonies are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients. Their comments have not been altered in any way, and their experiences are their own.