Ear Pinning 18173

  • Before-Ear pinning
    After-Ear pinning
    Before Ear pinning After
  • Before-Ear pinning
    After-Ear pinning
    Before Ear pinning After

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Ear pinning

Time of photo

5 days following surgery

Client's gender


Client's age



Aurora Clinics Founder

Surgeon's comment

This 22 year old who was concerned about the appearance of his ears. He felt they were too prominent and asked for them to be set back. His operation was performed with the patient awake and took 45 minutes to complete. The photos after surgery are taken 5 days later when his head bandage was removed. At this stage his ears are slightly red but otherwise look normal and he is able to return to his normal social activities. At Aurora our surgeons specialise in prominent ear correction and this is a procedure which increases confidence and makes it easier for men to have shorter hair and for women to wear their hair back if they wish. The procedure also has the benefit of making the face appear slightly narrower and more attractive. If you are interested in a prominent ear correction please feel free to contact us in the strictest confidence to discuss the best option for you.

All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Please bear in mind that results may vary from person to person. All testimonies are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients. Their comments have not been altered in any way, and their experiences are their own.