Tummy Tuck 17007

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    After-Tummy Tuck
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  • Before-Tummy Tuck
    After-Tummy Tuck
    Before Tummy Tuck After
  • Before-Tummy TUck
    After-Tummy TUck
    Before Tummy TUck After

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Extended Tummy Tuck Surgery

Time of photo

7 weeks following surgery

Client's gender


Client's age



Aurora Clinics Founder

Surgeon's comment

This 28 year old lady had 3 children all born by Caesarian section. She felt that despite exercising she had too much tissue and an overhang over her C-section scar. This often occurs as the scar sticks to the underlying muscle and is fixed in place. The loose skin then overhangs the scar. Loosing weight can make the skin looser and make the overhang worse. She also had a split between her rectus abdominis muscles (the six-pack muscles) that run downwards in the front of the tummy. This split is called a diastasis of the recti. A full tummy tuck combined with repair of her recti muscles was performed by Aurora Clinics Founder with liposuction to her flanks. As surgery her 3 C-section scars were removed leaving her with one scar. Repairing the gap between the recti abdominis muscles tightens the waist and makes it easier to perform tummy exercises such as crunches. A split in the recti muscles can cause back pain and poor posture and this is often helped with a tummy tuck procedure.

All images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual body shapes and results. Please bear in mind that results may vary from person to person. All testimonies are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients. Their comments have not been altered in any way, and their experiences are their own.