Breast Enlargement Patient Testimonial One Year On
Aurora Clinics Patient talks openly about her Breast Enlargement Surgery one year on carried out by Mr Adrian Richards.
Aurora Clinics Patient talks openly about her Breast Enlargement Surgery one year on carried out by Mr Adrian Richards.
Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, I would like to remove my breast implants which were done 9 years ago. I have 350cc implants but would now prefer to leave my breasts natural. My husband says that I will need a breast uplift afterwards. Is he correct? Answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. It certainly […]
An Aurora Clinics Patient talks openly about her recent MACS Facelift Procedure carried out by Aurora Clinics Founder – consultant plastic surgeon specialising in mini and MACS facelift surgery.
19 year old Aurora Clinics Patient talks about her recent inverted nipple correction procedure. If you feel you may benefit from inverted nipple correction surgery please contact 01844 214362 to book a free consultation.
Elizabeth talks about her recent inverted nipple procedure carried out by Aurora Clinics at a local clinic in Buckinghamshire. She explains how she found out about Aurora Clinics, why she felt it was necessary to have this procedure, and more importantly how she felt following the procedure.
Congratulations to Mandy Potter, winner of our Facebook Prize Draw! The competition, run at the end of last year, offered a free bareEscentuals Makeover experience to one lucky Fan of the Aurora Clinics Facebook page (selected at random). Plus, lucky winner Mandy also received a free bareEscentuals Eyes Kit to create a gorgeous smoky eye […]
Aurora Clinics Patient Lorna, talks to Alison, Patient Co-ordinator, 6 weeks following her Breast Enlargement Surgery – dual plane partial submuscular procedure.
Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, I have a medium-sized raised scar below my nose from when I fell face-first on the concrete 1-2 years ago. It is very annoying but doesn’t really hurt. How do I treat this? I want it as small and unnoticeable as possible. The only thing I am treating it with at […]
Live video of significant Breast Reduction Operation performed by specialist plastic surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder at Aurora clinics in Buckinghamshire. Detailed demonstration of breast reduction surgery and exclusive technique for this procedure. For more information or should you wish to book a FREE consultation with our specialist surgeon, call 01844 214262.
Patient Testimonial video, 3 weeks after the Breast Reduction Surgery performed by Mr. Aurora Clinics Founder at Aurora clinics in Buckinghamshire. Our Patient shares her surgery experience, her reasons for having the operation, result of the procedure and healing process. For more information or should you wish to book a consultation with our specialist surgeon, […]