Full or mini tummy tuck? Take the Pinch test to find out which is best for you
Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information, before and after photos and costs on Tummy Tuck procedures click here
Our expert Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder is the Medical Director for The Private Clinic. Clinics are located in Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Glasgow, London Harley Street, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
Tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty) surgery is one procedure that many of our patients consider if there is a lot of excess skin in this area. This can significantly affect your confidence, particularly when wearing certain clothes and you may experience back pain from the additional weight of the skin.
With so much information available at the touch of button, the big question now is which type of surgery would you benefit from: the full or mini tummy tuck?
A full tummy tuck would be considered for those who have lost a considerable amount of weight or from pregnancy where there is a lot of excess skin that hasn’t bounced back.
A mini tummy tuck would be considered for if you are of a more healthy weight, but have a small amount of excess skin that will not shift through exercise.
If you are still not sure which type is best suited for you there are two simple tests that you can do in the comfort of your own home; The Pinch Test and the DRAM test.
The Pinch test
By standing up straight, pinch the skin just above your belly button, and pull it down towards your pubic bone area, just above where a caesarean scar would sit. If your skin stretches down to this area, you could be eligible for tummy tuck surgery, if it doesn’t, then a mini tummy tuck would be more suitable.

The DRAM test
Divarication of Rectus Abdominis Muscles
Your muscles in the stomach, known as the rectus-abdominis or ‘6 pack’ muscles, start life close together. These muscles can start to split apart during pregnancy to make way for the growth of the baby, and can also split apart by carrying out core abdominal exercises incorrectly, resulting in them never meeting together. This can give you a little ripple of loose skin from where the muscles have separated. Exercise will not be able to help at this point, and surgery is a good option.
To see if your rectiys-abdominis muscles have split, lie flat on your pack and lift your legs into the air. This will engage your stomach muscles. By placing your hands onto your stomach, you will be able to feel and see if there is a

gap on either side of your belly button. If you can feel a gap on either side, your muscles will have split.
This can be corrected through either full or mini tummy tuck surgery, depending on how much excess skin you have from the pinch test.
Aurora part of The Private Clinic can offer you a team of the most experienced Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons in the UK for our tummy tuck treatments including Mr William Van Niekerk, Mr Roberto Ucellini, Mr Dario Rochira, Mr Mobinulla Syed and Mr. Navid Jallali in London, Mr Kenneth Kok in Birmingham, Ms Lyndsey Highton and Mr Adel Fattah in Manchester, Mr Maisam Faizal in Buckinghamshire, Birmingham and Northampton and Mr Prashant Govilkar in Bucks.
If you think you may be suitable for either a full or mini tummy tuck procedure then we would ask that you come and see one of our expert Plastic Surgeons for your no-obligation consultation. During this consultation your surgeon will discuss your desires from surgery, assess your tummy area and determine the best procedure for you. To book your consultation with one of our body specialists today please call 03339209135 and we can book you in with a surgeon near you.