Breast Surgery

Breast surgery is one of the world’s most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. If you feel you would like to enlarge, reduce or uplift your breasts, our expert breast surgeons can help you achieve the look you desire.

Aurora Clinics is now part of The Private Clinic, Aurora Clinics Founder is part of The Private Clinic expert team of Consultant Plastic Surgeons who specialise in Breast Surgery procedures. Click here to find out more about Breast Surgery at The Private Clinic.

Breast enlargement, reduction and uplift, along with aesthetic improvement of the nipples, account for the majority of procedures performed by our specialist team. Coming to us for breast surgery guarantees that you will be in safe hands, with highly experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities and a comprehensive aftercare package.

If you would like to come in and see us about any of our procedures, contact us here or call the team on 0371 346 0751 and we will be happy to arrange a consultation for you.

Breast Enlargement

Breast Enlargement surgery will help you achieve fuller, shapelier breasts that are in perfect proportion.

Enlargement with Uplift

Breast Enlargement and Mastopexy combines breast implants with a breast uplift.

Implant Removal/Replacement

Remove or replace your breast implants at Aurora Clinics.

Inverted Nipple Correction

A quick and easy correction for this very common condition.

Breast Uplift Surgery

Breast Uplift surgery, lifts and reshapes sagging breasts, giving a more pert appearance.

Breast Reduction Surgery

A Breast Reduction reshapes and reduces large, heavy breasts, improving their appearance.

Male Breast Reduction

An effective surgery to treat gynecomastia - prominent male breasts or “man boobs”.

Breast Asymmetry Correction

We can improve asymmetric breasts with an uplift, enlargement or reduction.

Breast Capsulectomy

Breast Capsulectomy removes or releases the capsule that surrounds breast implants.

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction restores the appearance of the breasts following breast cancer.

Tuberous Breast Correction

Tuberous breasts are an abnormality in the breast shape.

Nipple Reduction

A Nipple Reduction corrects overly prominent, wide or puffy nipples.