Breast Implants – behind the muscle
Thinking about Breast Enlargement surgery? Below, Aurora Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder talks about a recent operation where he positioned the implants behind the muscle.
Hello, my name’s Aurora Clinics Founder. I’m a Plastic Surgeon and the Surgical Director of Aurora Clinics.
Today I’ll be taking you through each stage of a procedure which I recently performed on a lady, inserting a teardrop shaped implant in a dual-plane position and that’s partially behind the muscle.
I used this approach in this lady because she was very slim without sufficient breast tissue to cover the implant if I placed it in front of the muscle. So the muscle acted as another layer in front of the implant.
First, I marked the patient up and put local anaesthetic mixture where I would be making the incision. This numbs everything up and gives very good pain relief, about 12 hours following the surgery.
I created a tunnel and inserted the local anaesthetic and adrenaline mixture under the breast gland. This has the joint benefit of reducing any bleeding and also giving very good pain relief.
I made the incision, a five centimetre incision in the inframammary fold. Sometimes I do need to lower the inframammary fold if there isn’t one already in situ. With my forceps, I held the muscle up, and inserted the sizer implant, a temporary implant just to check that the pocket size was okay and everything looked good.
Next I irrigated to wash out the cavity, just to make sure there were no small amounts of tissue in there. I used antibiotics inside and then Betadine on the skin, an antiseptic to reduce the risk of any infection.
I put new gloves on before touching the implant so it was as uncontaminated as possible. I put the implant gently into the pocket, and double checked it was in the correct orientation.
The closure was very similar to other types of implant – a three layer closure with absorbable stitches just to give the wound good support. I used absorbable stitches that need no removal, and finally put some Dermabond glue on, which is tissue glue, just to seal the wound.
I hope you found this account interesting and informative. For any more information about breast augmentation, please feel free to contact the team on 01324 578290 or email