Should I have a breast uplift or breast implants to correct post-pregnancy changes to my breasts?
Following pregnancy, many people notice a change in the shape of their bust. Interestingly, this does vary a lot between different individuals, and some people seem to suffer more deflation of their breast tissue following pregnancy than others.
The best treatment for you really depends on the appearance of your bust and in particular the position of your nipple compared to the fold underneath your breast.
The general rule, if your nipple from the side profile lies below the fold under your breast, a breast uplift possibly combined with an implant might be the most appropriate treatment for you.
If alternatively the main problem is loss of volume and concavity in the upper part of the breast and the nipple from the side profile lies above your breast fold, breast enlargement on its own is often sufficient.
These are general guidelines only and we would recommend that you seek a consultation with a specialist breast plastic surgeon to discuss the best form of treatment for you and to go through the options.
We would also suggest looking at some of our information videos on breast uplift and implant surgery including videos of the procedure and surgeons performing the procedure itself on our website.