Pixiwoo Youtuber Sam Chapman tells her Breast Reduction Story
Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information, before and after photos and costs on Breast Reduction procedures click here
Our expert Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder is the Medical Director for The Private Clinic. Clinics are located in Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Glasgow, London Harley Street, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
Sam Chapman of Youtube sensation Pixiwoo has opened up to her 2 million subscribers about her recent breast reduction surgery which took her breasts from a 32HH to a 34DD. In her video she talks in detail about the issues that motivated her to undergo the procedure as well as describing what you can expect if you are considering this type of cosmetic surgery. [Scroll down for the video].

Sam’s motivation
Like so many of the patients we see at Aurora Clinics, the psychological effects of large breasts are just as significant as the physical effects. Sam explains, “I felt like people judged me on my exterior rather than anything else which made me feel quite uncomfortable…my whole personality became defined by these massive boobs”. Because of this she always felt the need to prove her intelligence.
Sam also found difficulty in choosing clothes to wear. She describes on holiday if she was wearing a bikini or swimsuit she felt very uncomfortable that people were staring at her, she says, “If you’re not comfortable with them it can make you feel really sad”.
Fortunately for Sam she says having big boobs “never stopped me doing things or talking to people but I always wished that they were different”. This meant that Sam lived with her big bust for many years without even considering having a breast reduction until a few pivotal moments that occurred last year:
- Walking past a shop window – “I saw my boobs coming before I saw anything else in the reflection and it made me feel a wave of sadness”.
- Walking past a man with his girlfriend – “the man just looked at my boobs and I could see, past him, my reflection and I could just see them moving up and down and it actually made me feel physically sick”.
These two moments confirmed it for Sam. She was going to have breast reduction surgery. After receiving a recommendation from a close friend she booked her consultation with a local female surgeon.
Sam’s Breast Reduction Surgery
Sam goes on to explain more about the procedure itself and correctly highlights that this is “a massive surgery”. The operation typically takes between 2 and 3 hours, and is performed under general anaesthetic with a one or two night stay in hospital. It’s also important if you’re considering this surgery to be prepared for the scarring you will be left with as Sam explains, “I don’t think anything prepares you for the follow up when you go back and you actually see the scars, it’s quite extensive”. For some examples of scarring following breast reduction surgery please click on the gallery below:
The Results
Sam sums up her breast reduction experience;
“I have zero regrets, I’m so happy, I feel so much more confident, I actually came into work without a bra on today, just because I felt like it and that’s just amazing…It’s like having utter freedom.”
Sam went on to write a blog post about her breast reduction surgery in a hope to answer some of the questions she had in response to her video. If you’re interested you can check it out here – it’s definitely worth a read.
Breast Reduction Surgery at Aurora Clinics
Breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of your breasts. It reshapes and reduces large, heavy breasts, improving their appearance, reducing back pain and improving posture. At Aurora Clinics we have a team of expert breast reduction surgeons based right across the UK so if you’re considering this procedure, or any other type of breast surgery please feel free to contact us. Our team will be more than happy to provide you with further information.
If you have found listening to Sam’s story helpful, then we would recommend listening to some of our own video testimonials of our patients describing their individual journeys of breast reduction surgery with the team at Aurora Clinics.