Category: your-questions-answered-face

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

MACS Facelift – can I have one under local anaesthetic?

MACS Facelift question: Hi, can upper eyelids be done under local anaesthetic, and also the MACS facelift? I am interested in these two procedures but have a fear of going under general anaesthetic. Thanks. MACS Facelift answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. It is possible to have upper eyelid surgery under local anaesthetic, […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

MACS Facelift in Milton Keynes?

MACS Facelift question: Hi, I’m interested in having the MACS facelift and would like to see Aurora Clinics Founder. Would it be possible to see him at your Milton Keynes clinic – or would I have to go to another clinic? Thank you for your time. MACS Facelift answer: Thank you very much for your […]

Scar revision inside the mouth – is it possible?

Scar Revision question: I have a lump of soft tissue on the underside of my bottom lip which is quite unnoticeable until I speak. This was caused when the minor salivary gland was removed in 2005 by a surgeon who later remarked that she was not concerned with aesthetic problems, only medical, and left enough […]

Can I have stand-alone Earlobe Reduction surgery?

Earlobe Reduction Question: I have ears over 3ins long due to enlarged earlobes. Do you offer stand-alone earlobe reduction surgery and if so, may I ask how much this will cost? Earlobe Reduction Answer: Thank you for your question. It is possible to have your earlobes reduced. This is a technique which we specialise in […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

How long will I take to heal after Cyst Removal?

Cyst Removal Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, I discovered a cyst in my armpit a couple of years ago and sought the advice of my doctor who informed me that it should be surgically removed. This was carried out six months ago but one month after surgery I had to return because of pain. I still […]

Thread Lift Treatment: What Is Your Opinion?

Thread Lift Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, do you carry out Thread Lift treatment (gold thread skin rejuvenation) under local anaesthetic? Thread Lift Answer: Thank you very much for your question. We do not perform Thread Lift treatment (gold thread skin rejuvenation), under local anaesthetic or otherwise. This is due to the fact that procedures we […]

Can 6mm stretched earlobes from flesh tunnels be corrected with surgery?

Question: Can you tell me if you can stitch earlobes which have been stretched to approximately 6mm? If so, could you provide an approximate cost for both ears. Answer: It is possible to stitch earlobes which have been stretched to 6mm. In fact, we sometimes stitch lobes which have been stretched much wider than this! […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Can a Neck Lift streamline my Double Chin?

Question: Hi there, I am 25 years old and have recently lost a lot of weight which has left me with a saggy, double chin. I do not want implants but was wondering if I could have a neck lift (cervicoplasty). Answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. It is possible to have facial […]

Can my 14mm stretched ears heal by themselves?

The New Year is a great time to think about making positive changes for a New You… One cosmetic surgery treatment which always increases in popularity at the start of the New Year is Earlobe Repair: people with stretched or split earlobes from flesh tunnels, plugs and gauges decide to get rid of the signs of a […]

Which Skin Treatment can give me a clear complexion?

Question: I am looking for the perfect skin procedure to have before my wedding: I really want a clear complexion on the day. In the past, I have had brown spots and age marks on my cheeks as well as open pores. I also have acne scars on both my nose and face. I suffer from […]

Can I have a consultation and Permalip lip enhancement surgery on the same day?

Question: I am very interested in having Permalip lip enhancement surgery for lip augmentation. However, I was wondering if it would be possible to come up for an initial consultation and have treatment performed on the same day?   Answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. It would be possible to see you and […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Can you remove the stitch marks left behind from mole removal?

Question: Eight months ago I had mole removal surgery for a lesion situated next to my nose. However, I am now left with stitch marks which look unsightly. Is it possible to excise this area again and re-stitch it? Answer: It sounds as though you have cross stitches in your incision which have left dots […]

Permalip Implants: what can go wrong?

Question: I have some questions related to Permalip lip enhancement. Firstly, could you tell me if the lip will adapt to my changing face shape as the years advance (I’m only 18!)? Also, are there any complications associated with this treatment? If so, how often do they arise? Finally, if I am unhappy with the result, […]

Do I need full nose reshaping for a slightly crooked nose?

Question: The bridge of my nose is crooked but not uneven enough for full nose reshaping. However, when I smile, the tip tends to droop downwards and looks like a Roman nose. Is it possible to have the depressor septi muscle trimmed to prevent dynamic tip ptosis (downward movement of the end of the nose)? […]

Are Facelifts suitable for men with short hair?

Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, I am considering having a Facelift (Face Lift) procedure. However, I am a man with very short hair. Do you think this procedure will be suitable for me or will the results look poor due to obvious scarring with my hair? Answer: Thank you for your recent enquiry. The Hollywood facelift […]

Am I old enough for Chin Reduction surgery?

Question: I am a 20 year-old male who is considering ear pinning and chin reduction surgery later this year. I also want to have braces fitted next year purely because I have crooked teeth and not as a result of bite issues. Could you tell me if I am old enough to have chin reduction […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Can Aurora Clinics provide a second opinion?

Question: I am writing to ask if you can provide a second opinion with regard to surgery which has been carried out by a cosmetic clinic based in Harley Street? I recently had a face lift but have since noticed that I still have jowls and one side is significantly heavier than the other. Loose […]

What is the recovery time for Earlobe Repair surgery?

Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, what is the recovery time following a procedure to correct a split earlobe or stretched earlobe? Answer: Once the local anaesthetic wears off after surgery, you can expect the ear to be a bit sore. This is usually controlled very well with simple painkillers such as paracetamol. The dressing stays on […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Can MACS Face Lift surgery slim my face shape?

Question: When I was younger my face was the perfect shape, but as I near my 30’s, it is becoming bigger in size. Is it common for the face to increase as we advance in years? As I have put on weight, I was wondering if a diet would help me to regain the facial […]

Will Dermal Fillers make my mouth look more symmetrical?

Question: Since I was born I have had respiratory problems and breathe through my mouth rather than my nose. My upper lip is significantly smaller than my lower one and I am considering silicone lip augmentation to make my mouth more symmetrical. How much is this likely to cost and will the effects of the […]

Is the iGuide Neck Lift suitable for improving a double chin?

Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, I am 45 years of age and have always had a double chin even though I am of slim build. This is a feature that I have inherited. Until now, it has never really bothered me but as I grow older, I am becoming increasingly aware of it. I was wondering […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Is there a cure for dark circles under the eyes?

Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, could you tell me if there is a cure for dark circles under the eyes? I am 37 years of age. Answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. There are a number of reasons why this can occur. Shadows are often the result of a stressful or hectic lifestyle, a […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

How soon after Blepharoplasty (Eyelid) Surgery is it safe to fly?

Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, I am interested in having upper eyelid correction. Could you tell me how many weeks after surgery I will need to wait before I can fly? Answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. We generally recommend that you leave it at least three weeks following blepharoplasty surgery before flying. The […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Can MACS Facelift procedures be performed under twilight sedation?

Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, could you tell me if a MACS Facelift can be carried out using twilight sedation? I look forward to hearing from you. Answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. It is certainly possible to perform a MACS facelift under twilight sedation if this is your preference. This would involve a […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Question regarding products to help treat scars

Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, I have a medium-sized raised scar below my nose from when I fell face-first on the concrete 1-2 years ago. It is very annoying but doesn’t really hurt. How do I treat this? I want it as small and unnoticeable as possible. The only thing I am treating it with at […]

Question regarding re-piercing after Stretched Ear Piercing Correction surgery

Question: My ear piercings have stretched significantly. I’m happy to take Aurora Clinics Founder’ advice on whether he thinks I should have these repaired. Could you also confirm that after having these repaired I would be able to have my ears re-pierced and wear earrings as usual? How long would I have to wait to […]

Question regarding procedures to correct Tribal stretched earlobes

Question: I have stretched earlobes. I currently wear Tribal plugs with a size of 8mm and im looking to get my earlobes corrected. Could you provide information on a procedure for this if you have one available, and an idea of the costs? Answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. It certainly would be […]