Category: your-questions-answered-macs-face-lift

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

MACS Facelift – can I have one under local anaesthetic?

MACS Facelift question: Hi, can upper eyelids be done under local anaesthetic, and also the MACS facelift? I am interested in these two procedures but have a fear of going under general anaesthetic. Thanks. MACS Facelift answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. It is possible to have upper eyelid surgery under local anaesthetic, […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

MACS Facelift in Milton Keynes?

MACS Facelift question: Hi, I’m interested in having the MACS facelift and would like to see Aurora Clinics Founder. Would it be possible to see him at your Milton Keynes clinic – or would I have to go to another clinic? Thank you for your time. MACS Facelift answer: Thank you very much for your […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Can MACS Face Lift surgery slim my face shape?

Question: When I was younger my face was the perfect shape, but as I near my 30’s, it is becoming bigger in size. Is it common for the face to increase as we advance in years? As I have put on weight, I was wondering if a diet would help me to regain the facial […]

Your Questions Answered by the Surgeons at Aurora Clinics

Can MACS Facelift procedures be performed under twilight sedation?

Question: Dear Aurora Clinics, could you tell me if a MACS Facelift can be carried out using twilight sedation? I look forward to hearing from you. Answer: Thank you very much for your enquiry. It is certainly possible to perform a MACS facelift under twilight sedation if this is your preference. This would involve a […]