Shockingly Severe Double PIP Rupture

Our patient was not sure on the size of her PIPs she had inserted in 2003 but she thought they were 350cc. She came for implant replacement, and there was no talk of a scan, and Aurora Clinics Founder throughout the video doesn’t elude to prior knowledge of an implant rupture.
If you are familiar with other videos, you will be aware Aurora Clinics Founder likes to keep the scar as small as possible, and usually aims for around 4 to 4.5cm. He measures the current scar and sees it is 6cm, which is quite large for a scar in his eyes, so he removes it and makes the final appearance have a smaller scar, around the 4 to 4.5cm he usually aims for.
As Aurora Clinics Founder opens up the breast he begins collecting the fluid that pours out of the breast in a small container. As we have come to expect from a PIP rupture, this immediate sign signifies that the implant is indeed ruptured. Aurora Clinics Founder uses the sucker device to clean the pocket to an extent, and gets free standing silicone  caught in the sucker, highlighting the severity of this particular ruptured PIP. We can even hear Aurora Clinics Founder in the commentary mentioning he believes it is quite a severe implant rupture.
Upon removal we see just the implant shell in Aurora Clinics Founder hands as he shows it to the camera. The implant has lost all of the silicone within and the outer shell has almost completely disintegrated, with an astronomical tear across it, exposing the patients insides to the harmful silicone usually found in the substandard implants. The remaining silicone is cleaned out of the breast, with Aurora Clinics Founder using a larger container to collect it as it pours from the patient.
Aurora Clinics Founder moves onto the other side and once again as soon as the breast pocket is opened, Aurora Clinics Founder is greeted by the customary creamy fluid we get from a ruptured PIP. The small container he uses throughout other videos isn’t big enough, as it nearly overflows, with silicone and fluid still within the patient. The shell was nowhere to be seen as the silicone was squeezed out of the breast and it even alarms Aurora Clinics Founder to the point of mentioning it is one of the worst ruptured PIPs we have ever seen here at Aurora Clinics.
Upon removing the shell we see the baseplate of the implant, where the ruptures usually occur, had completely come out, which is very unusual, and this reinforces the fact that it is one of, if not the worst rupture throughout the infamous history of PIP implants. Aurora Clinics Founder states this is the first time he has seen this, and he has to go back to find the baseplate as it was still inside the patient. We also see him removing inflammatory tissue which has been caused by the silicone from within the implants.
As usual Aurora Clinics Founder analyses the implants at the end of the video and both of them need a container to be kept together. Even on double ruptures previously, it isn’t usually necessary to have a container for each implant as the ruptures aren’t in a state anywhere near as bad as this We are used to seeing them do a dark shade of yellow once ruptured, and we expect them to appear more yellow the longer they have been ruptured. One implant was incredibly yellow and the other was borderline orange. Part of the reason they could be this bad, was the early insertion of 2003, but we have seen the unpredictable nature of PIPs and how they can rupture at different rates, so I think this video should be a warning to others out there at how severe a rupture of PIP implants can be.
To help us raise awareness of the dangers of PIP implants please like and share this video.
For more information on PIP implant replacement, or to book a free consultation with any of our specialist plastic surgeons, please call us free on 0800 328 5743 or e-mail