PIP Replacement and Areola Reduction
Here we have a combination of surgeries, with PIP replacement, along with an Areola Reduction. This patient actually had a mastopexy when her PIPs were inserted, and her areolas have widened and stretched since then, hence the areola reduction procedure.
The video begins in a usual manner, with Aurora Clinics Founder talking about the scar, and how it is too long. He removes the first implant and we see it is in tact but has a considerable amount of gel bleed, which means we could be forgiven for assuming the implant was ruptured, with all the fluid we see in the pocket.
Aurora Clinics Founder then moves onto the Areola Reduction, starting by checking his markings by using an instrument called the “cookie cutter”. The markings were correct, so he moves onto the procedure. The outer skin of the areola is removed and then bought in and stitched in stages.
As Aurora Clinics Founder explains his next part of the procedure for the camera, it cuts to him having completed that part, before continuing to talk about his next phase. After the right side is completed, we don’t focus on the left too much as it is very similar, except we do check out the implant, which is in tact but has considerable gel bleed too.
At the end the implants are analysed as usual, but with no ruptures to compare Aurora Clinics Founder just discusses the gel bleed and shows how deflated they are.