Full Facelift or Mini Facelift – how to tell which is right for you

Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information, before and after photos and costs on Facelift procedures click here
Our clinics are located in Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Glasgow, London Harley Street, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
A Facelift has the power to produce one of the most dramatic transformations of all cosmetic procedures.
Performed well, it can give you a naturally fresher, younger-looking face and neck – while people struggle to put their finger on why you look so well!
But like any surgical procedure, its only as effective as the surgeon performing it.
If a facelift is something youre considering, its extremely important you find a surgeon who specialises in facelift surgery.
When it comes to facial surgery, dont assume any plastic surgeon will do. Look for before and after photos, and don’t be afraid to ask a potential surgeon how many facelift procedures he or she performs per year.
But another important consideration is which type of facelift to go for. Should you choose full or mini?
The difference between full and mini facelift
The difference between the two techniques comes down to their invasiveness. The traditional full face lift usually involves a long incision that starts at the temple, and curves around the ears and hairline.
If you have sagging under your jaw, the incision can also run under the chin to correct it. The skin is lifted, pulled back and any excess trimmed away.
The full facelift is best when you feel you are looking for a dramatic improvement to your whole face – both upper and lower. Is your brow heavy and low? Have you lost the youthful ‘apple’ of your cheeks? Do you have deep lines between your nose and mouth, and lots of excess skin around the jowls area? A full facelift will improve all these areas for you.
However, if you feel you would like your face lifting or tightening, but are not quite ready for a procedure as dramatic as the full facelift, you might be a better candidate for a mini face lift.
A mini facelift focuses on improving only the lower face – the cheeks and jowls. Because the incisions required are far shorter, running from the temples down the natural crease in front of the ear, the procedure typically results in minimal (or even no) scarring – and a shorter recovery time.
The jowls are tightened, cheeks are lifted and deep nose-to-mouth lines are softened. There are various types of mini face lift techniques, including the MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) facelift that we specialise in at Aurora. A specialist surgeon will be able to talk you through all your options.
When is the best time to consider a facelift?
Every face is different, and we all age at different rates, so there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to facelift surgery.
Most full facelift patients tend to be between the ages of 40-70 and seeking a dramatic improvement, whereas mini facelift patients tend to be a little younger, anywhere from the late thirties up to around 55, and looking for subtle facial rejuvenation.
If you would like to find out more about facelift surgery on an informal basis, we offer consultations with all our specialist surgeons. If you’d like the opportunity to discuss the different techniques and what may be achievable for you, please contact us to arrange your appointment on 01324 578290 or email mailto:info@aurora-clinics.co.uk.