Nipple Reduction FAQ – What is it?
Aurora is now part of The Private Clinic, a nationwide group of clinics with over 35 years of experience specialising in Cosmetic Surgery and Skin and a Trust Pilot 5 star rating. For comprehensive information, before and after photos and costs on Nipple Reduction procedures click here
Our expert Plastic Surgeon Aurora Clinics Founder is the Medical Director for The Private Clinic. Clinics are located in Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Glasgow, London Harley Street, Leeds, Manchester and Northampton.
In this episode of our Nipple Reduction FAQ series, we actually cover the base of the surgery, and what it actually is.
It is a relatively short procedure, which is performed mostly under a local anaesthetic. It can be combined with other surgeries that require general, but alone it only really needs a local anaesthetic. We offer this surgery to both male and female patients, and we have a pretty even split in regards to surgery performed with around 50% of the patients coming from each gender. Nipple reduction surgery has an excellent success rate, combined with a short recovery time, it is a procedure that won’t interfere too much in your regular life.